All too often we only set aside one time per year to really, truly give thanks for all we have. Even those who feel they don’t have alot have one thing we should all be thankful for; the gift of life. Beauty is all around us and if we can capture that sense of continued awe when we stop, take a breathe, and appreciate all of the things we enjoy but take for granted, the world instantly looks like a better place.
Gratitude and appreciation is truly the conduit to happiness, a sense of purpose, and a fuller life. I’ve been meaning to start a gratitude journal for quite awhile now, and the idea struck me that it would be even more powerful to share it and inspire others to do the same. My aim is to find one thing to be grateful for each day which will force me to dig deeper to see tiny details that make our lives great but go overlooked.
Without further ado:
#ThankfulThursday – 3/5 – 3/11/2015
Today I’m thankful for…
3/5/2015 – Being re-united (even if only after a short time).
No matter how long you’ve been apart, there are few things more precious than being reunited with the people you love.
3/6/2015 – Days with no agenda.
Ahhh yes, the “lazy Sunday.” Our busy lives often have us going from one appointment to the next meeting to our next engagement. We find ourselves “chasing” our lives instead of living them and those agenda-less days allow us to choose how we spend our time. We can choose to focus on learning, on getting in shape, spending time with someone we miss, doing nothing, or… just going with the flow. It doesn’t matter what, it only matters that it’s ours to choose.
3/7/2015 – Startup Weekend.
I’ve wanted to attend a Startup Weekend for a long time, and I finally made it to one. I’ve always loved startups – I love the pace, the creativity, and the connection people have to their work at startups, where their ideas are literally coming to life. And so Startup Weekend is the perfect place to get together with other super awesome like-minded people and try to create something great in only a single weekend. I haven’t experienced anything like it and I’ll be going to them regularly from now on – give it a shot!
3/8/2015 – Mentors.
Mentors are those who have taken their bruises and lumps and learned and grown through them and who try to help others stand on their shoulders to reach a new level of challenges. Mentors and teachers, when you think about it, are fundamental to the trajectory of humans – allowing each new protégé to build off their experiences and knowledge. The analogy could be similar to standing on the shoulders of giants – the reason why high schoolers are solving problems that took mankind thousands of years to figure out. But once you know, you can teach those behind you and they get a head start – a precious leap with our limited time on Earth.
3/9/2015 – Hackers (the building kind).
I’m still feeling inspired from Startup Weekend, so today I want to tip a hat to the hackers of the world. Many of you will probably think I mean the devious computer hackers we see in the news, but I’m referring to the people who are able to create with little more than whatever they have at their immediate disposal. These are people who build things in wonderfully-creative ways despite a lack of time, resources, and even expertise – they just find a way. “Life hacking” has become a trendy topic as people make small, deliberate tweaks that unlock new potential, and that’s what hacker (builders) do.
3/10/2015 – Time to wander.
Being that I’m in a fortunate position to be able to step back and focus on my goals and dreams, I grow more and more appreciative of being able to “wander.” While I’m wandering in the direction I want to go, I’m picking up and experiencing things along the way I haven’t anticipated, and being on the self-guided journey has been an extremely enlightening experience. Sooner or later I’ll have to get back on the path, but for now, I’m just doing my best to enjoy and appreciate it.
3/11/2015 – Menthol (invigorating cool freshness).
My face wash and my shampoo both have a little dash of menthol that gives me that fresh, clean feeling – a great sensation to start the day, or end it. Menthol goes a long way to sooth sore muscles too (I’m looking at you, Icy Hot). Thanks, you fancy chemical, you.
Your turn
I’m always looking for more inspiration, so tell me, what’s one thing you’re grateful for from the past week? I’ll share a few submissions during next week’s post and intend to keep that going all year long. While I love #ThrowbackThursday, I’d love to see #ThankfulThursday take off too.
The more we can say thanks, the better off we’ll be. Especially because we don’t know if we’ll be able to say “thanks” to those we care about tomorrow or to those who’ve touched us that we’ll never cross paths with again – why wait?
“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” —
Today I’m thankful for the innate human ability to have hope. I’m the the final stretch of busy season at my accounting firm, and I feel optimistic while chasing that light at the end of the tunnel. Hope is a powerful, beautiful, and fundamentally inspirational feeling.