All too often we only set aside one time per year to really, truly give thanks for all we have. Even those who feel they don’t have a lot have one thing we should all be thankful for; the gift of life. Beauty is all around us and if we can capture that sense of continued awe when we stop, take a breath, and appreciate all of the things we enjoy but take for granted, the world instantly looks like a better place.
Gratitude and appreciation is truly the conduit to happiness, a sense of purpose, and a fuller life. I’ve been meaning to start a gratitude journal now, and the idea struck me that it would be even more powerful to share it and inspire others to do the same. My aim is to find one thing to be grateful for each day which will force me to dig deeper to see tiny details that make our lives great but go overlooked.
Without further ado:
#ThankfulThursday – 5/14 – 5/20/2015
Today I’m thankful for…
5/14/2015 – Graduation.
Graduation is a remarkable occasion. The closing of a chapter and the fresh pages of an exciting new one. School and training are usually a structured system, and with graduation comes an exciting, and in some ways, scary, new and open world. In all the uncertainty of the future is the opportunity for growth and wonderful new experiences. With the unexpected comes a world to dream, hope, and craft the story you want to be able to tell. It can be bittersweet but time only goes forward and your entire future awaits.
5/15/2015 – An Education.
I cannot fathom, or even begin to fathom, how important having an education is. I did my best to make the most of high school, and although it annoyed me to have to take a bunch of liberal education classes in college, I’m a much better and more rounded person. Most importantly, I’m thankful for how my education has given me perspective and a rational basis to judge the world and live life to the best of my ability.
5/16/2015 – A Need for Purpose.
There’s one fundamental need that we don’t exactly understand but undoubtedly feel connected to – purpose. That drive to find our reason for living our lives in all of its triumphs and struggles has done untold amounts of good for the world. It’s given us inventions which makes our lives easier and better and has been the driver behind mankind’s greatest humanitarian efforts. Our need for purpose continues to fuel our curiosity and pushes us willingly into the unknown, ever in search of more answers in a universe we know so little about.
5/17/2015 – Kind Hearts.
Compassion. Empathy. Caring. These are all words that describe people who carry around a kind heart. In the “sad” parts of the world they manage to see hope inside of struggle. They smile at those who are down-and-out while most look past them as if they were invisible. They carry in their hearts a disproportionate care for anyone and everyone. They set the standard that the whole world should strive to live by and they make the world a better place. Give someone free hugs and watch all of the smiles you can make.
5/18/2015 – Wearing My Favorite _______.
You know the phrase “look good, feel good.” I think that encapsulates the joy in wearing whatever that favorite article of clothing is. It could even be your favorite underwear for “good luck” on a big day. Only you know, but that’s all that matters and somehow you feel so much better because of it.
5/19/2015 – Being “Weird.” (Unique)
I’m thankful that I’m weird. We’re all weird in some way or another. We’re all uniquely us and that alone is special. We each have our own talents, our own perspective, and our own contribution to the world and when that really sinks in, it’s one of the most special qualities we possess. And that’s what makes us “weird.” Embrace it, love it, and show it!
5/20/2015 – A Perfect Storm of Simplicity.
I typically keep myself really busy. I’m a curious learner and I probably have ADD, but I especially love it when everything comes together in the simplest way. Just sitting in the warm sun with a light breeze, maybe a favorite drink or snack, and good company. There’s little more that you need and the rest of the world seems as though it’s paused. You’re left with this extremely peaceful simplicity, completely in the moment, and entirely engulfed in the simple fact that we’re alive on this little insignificant planet we call Earth.
Your turn
I’m always looking for more inspiration, so tell me, what’s one thing you’re grateful for from the past week? I’ll share a few submissions during next week’s post and intend to keep that going all year long. While I love #ThrowbackThursday, I’d love to see #ThankfulThursday take off too.
The more we can say thanks, the better off we’ll be. Especially because we don’t know if we’ll be able to say “thanks” to those we care about tomorrow or to those who’ve touched us that we’ll never cross paths with again – why wait?
“Of all the attitudes we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing.” —