A New Blog for the New Year

After writing about tech stuff for several years I decided to take a break from writing for a little while.  I’ve spent a lot of time focusing on learning from and observing the world around me, and the itch to share some of my thoughts and ideas has been growing ever stronger.  As I’ll be writing a lot about in the coming weeks and months, 2015 will be a year of big changes, learning, and challenges.  Now seemed the perfect time to start a blog of my own where I hope to jot words that will educate, inspire, challenge, and (hopefully) entertain as I navigate this adventure called life.

2014: A Foundational Year


The new year has always been a time of reflection as much as it’s a time where we have our eyes forward.  Regardless of whether it’s forward or backward, looking through the lens of time is something we ought to make a habit.  Looking backwards gives us the opportunity to learn from time, and looking forward gives us the opportunity to plan, and most importantly, to dream.  Learn from the past and grow into the future.

Looking back at 2014, I see it as a foundational year, an important year.  We often don’t give enough credit to the foundational parts of our lives, but it’s that very foundation that’s the most important.  We long for the glitz of the shiny glass of the skyscrapers as they grow ever higher, but the foundation is what holds it all up.  So while my vision of today from one year ago may not be what I had hoped for then, I recognize the growth and expansion of the foundation that’ll carry me into the future.

Lots of learning

Almost more than anything, 2014 has been all about learning.  I’ve spent a lot of time looking inward to learn more about myself,  how I see the world, how I’m seen by the world, and my place in it.  I’ve done a lot of reading to learn new ideas, put ideas into action to learn new skills, and challenged myself to go outside my comfort zone.  During the pursuit of continued learning, not just about the world or ideas, but even more so about myself, my foundation is more ready than ever to carry the load of what I hope to build and accomplish in the future.

New (and old) relationships

I’m a believer that a great majority of our happiness and overall well-being is carried by our relationships – the people we share our lives with and those we live for.  In 2014 I’ve met some great new people who’ve inspired, challenged, energized, and supported me to keep pushing and chasing my dreams.  I’ve greatly enjoyed the blessing of getting to spend a lot of time with a girlfriend who has pushed me, never allowed me to settle, and encouraged me to follow my heart – a theme that will carry me through 2015.  I’ve also met a bunch of people who have been amazing to work with and whom I owe a lot for the opportunities in front of me in 2015.  I’ve also been so lucky to continue to grow closer to my friends and family who mean the world to me, despite the vast distances that may separate us.

New (ad)ventures


2014 certainly wasn’t short of embarking on new adventures and ventures.  Whether climbing mountains or the proverbial mountain of challenges of starting a new business, there has been a lot of climbing.  Fortunately I enjoy the journey as much as the destination, and both have been equally rewarding as  they have been challenging with plenty of breathtaking moments along the way.

Life Is Not Measured By the Number of Breaths We Take, But By the Moments That Take Our Breath Away.

Looking Forward to 2015…

As a dreamer by nature I find that I’m looking forward more often than not.  I’m fortunate to have many passions, an unending stream of thoughts and ideas, and a medium to share my goals, thoughts, curiosities, failures, and learnings along the way.  A few themes I want to focus on in the new year:

Be thankful

Life is enjoyed most fully in the moments when we are overwhelmingly grateful, whether it’s the people we are with, an amazing experience, or the serenity of feeling completely content.  Being grateful is to be happy, and happiness is contagious and the world needs more of it.  There are hundreds of beautiful moments every day we often take for granted, and recognizing the little things leads to greater happiness.

I’ve wanted to start a gratitude journal for some time, and I think sharing the little things I’m thankful for day-to-day would be a great way to do it.  My goal is to write a #ThankfulThursday post each week where I share one thing I’m grateful for each day of the prior week any great examples my followers send my way.  I also want to highlight some of the beautiful acts of humankind we could use a healthier dose of in a world flooded with information that skews our perception of the good and bad in the world.


Enjoy the journey

The adventure isn’t found in the destination, it’s the twisty, windy, unpredictable road that gets you there.  I want to share the ups and downs of starting a company and the forks in the road that characterize life.  Any expedition involves risk and uncertainty, and I will share a lot about how I not only cope with the unknown ahead, but embrace it.  Any road will always have rough patches, and personal fulfillment comes in embracing and facing challenges and finding a way to enjoy them.

Keep learning

Growth is about constantly seeking challenges and seizing opportunities to learn.  Struggle is the forge of self-improvement and I want to share my own struggles and those I observe in the world.  In the information age we live in, anyone can learn about pretty much anything for free and I look forward to continuing to grow and broaden my perspectives.  I’ll keep trying new things, experimenting, and seeing where I end up.

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.   —Benjamin Franklin

Live fast and give often

All-in-all, I simply want to make the most of the time I’m given in this life.  To me that means living fast, doing things I love, being with the people I love, growing personally and professionally, and touching the world in ways that make it a better place.  I’ve always had a big part of my heart that loves to help people, and in 2015 I want to put more of that to action to help as many people as I’m able and start thinking bigger to help solve some of the world’s toughest problems.  Give, live, and love.

Thanks for reading, and I hope to have you along in 2015!

– EH


Author Evan

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